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Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) PVA 1799

Chemical appearance:
PVA is a water-soluble synthetic polymer. It is usually hazy white and does not have any distinct odor. It is usually supplied in powders or pellets but can be supplied as solutions or beads.

Chemical application and strengths:
Polyvinyl alcohol has quality adhesive and emulsifying properties. It has high flexibility and tensile strength. It is insoluble and resists organic solvents, grease, and oil. It has strongaroma and high oxygen barrier properties. Most of these properties are dependent on humidity levels with high levels reducing its tensile strength.

PVA is used in several areas, as follows:


    • It is used as a release liner in paper coatings


    • It is used as a modifier and thickener in polyvinyl acetate glues


    • Works as a carbon dioxide barrier in the production of terephthalate bottles (PET)


    • Used in the production of chemical-resistant gloves


    • Used as a fixative in the collection of specimens especially stool in laboratory examinations


    • In optometry, it is used as synthetic eye drops for the treatment of dry eyes. For people who use contact lenses, it is used as a lubricant on the lenses.


    • It is used as a water-soluble film in packaging. It is common in envelopes that contain laundry detergents


    • It is used to make female hygiene products as well as adult incontinence products such as biodegradable plastic backing sheet


    • It is combined with boric acid in the production of solid boards and spiral tubes


    • It is used in 3D printing processes as a support structure that is dissolved away after the printing is completed.


  • It is used as a surfactant, which leads to the formation of polymer-encapsulated nanobeads 

Product Details

CAS Number:

Other Trading Names:

  • PVOH
  • Alcotex
  • Gelvatol


Type of Packaging :

  • 20kg sealed bag
  • 50kg sealed bag


HS Code: