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Ammonium Dibutyl Dithiophosphate / Dithiophosphate BA 91%

Product Overview

Chemical appearance

Dithiophosphate BA or Ammonium Dibutyl Dithiophosphate has a white and pale greyish coloured appearance. It comes in a fine powder form which has no kind of odour. It has a PH level of 9.

Chemical application and strength

Dithiophosphate BA or Ammonium Dibutyl Dithiophosphate is a very good collector and flotation agent of nonferrous metallic minerals like copper, zinc sulfide (activated), silver, polymetallic ores, and lead.

Its pH levels are ideal in the depressing process of iron pyrites.
It has is a very strong collector compared to thiocarbamates and various secondary collectors.
A good flotation agent and is quite selective within acidic environments.
Dithiophosphate BA can be quite weak in collecting magnetizing pyrite and pyrite but is very selective
It is a very good collector of galena and can enhance the separation of pyrite and galena.
It can also enhance the separation process of pyrite and chalcopyrite.
This is a very useful flotation agent of antimony sulfide minerals and nickel.
Also a very effective flotation agent of nickel sulfide minerals.
It is soluble in water.
Very well known to be effective in the recovery process of precious minerals like silver, platinum, and gold.
Buy Dithiophosphate BA 91% – 95%

Product Details

CAS Number


Other trading names

Ammonium Dibutyl Dithiophosphate
Types of Packaging

Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) drum with 1000kg capacity/drum
Use steel drum with 40kg/drum capacity and plastic woven bags with 40kg/bag capacity
HS Code:

Chemical Data Sheets